Koala is a multi-platform, fun and powerful sampler. Record with the mic of your phone or tablet, import audio, extract audio from video files, sequence or resample your ideas and screen record performances with unparalleled immediacy.

perform with live FX

Koala can hold up to 64 samples of any length. 32 sequences are available for arrangement. 16 multitouch live effects can be used during the performance and another 26 effects can be assigned to 5 channels in the mixer section.

mixer with effects

Koala’s mixer, available as a paid in-app purchase, adds 4 buses and a master channel, with 5 effect slots each, including sidechain effect.

When resampling from Koala, you can either apply live effects or resample a sequence with channel effects applied.

Koala in AUM as instrument and as effect

Koala can be used as a standalone app, an on iOS as AUv3 instrument or AUv3 8-channel multi-bus effect unit in apps like AUM, Garageband or Logic Pro. AUv3 functionality is not available on Android.

Screen of koala in AUM as instrument, effect, instrument into effect.

When used as a multi-bus effect unit, Koala receives audio on the main input of the app. Each pad can be assigned to 8 different output channels for individual processing in your DAW app. Again, this is only available on iOS.

Read more about AUv3 functionality.